Drastic Change of my Paradigm
Recent days I've been working on theory which forms my research backbone; how it works, effects to another. I strongly feel that to think theoretically and form our practice based on that must rellevant to the teachers. I reflect myself how I had done and those were terrible practice...
That's why I need to improve to do better practice. That's why I am strrugling now to make my students develop more; TO WORK OUT how to do that. No matter what the life is, I can manage for my future dream.
Fundamentally my research is based on focus on form approach. the approach is quite drastic that makes us esp those who had taken grammar-translation classes feel somewhat troublesome. I thought so I'm quite one of them when I felt the methodology clings to me, covers my brain. BUT I need to change what I have; my paradigm of teaching, learning English. I think it's quite transit now that the world ask us to develop the person with skills of English that I didnt have; autonomy students; not only grammar but also communication. To develop newly something, we have to strrugle one after another. That is my job now and 10 years later too. this year, I will strrugle to take in the idea of focus on form and practice accordingly with my originality.